Saturday, September 25, 2010

Whole Wheat Bread

I got this recipe from a friend. She gave me a loaf of the BEST wheat bread one day and I begged her for the recipe. I've never been that great at bread baking, or doing anything with yeast really, but this recipe works for me every time. The kids love it, too!

Whole Wheat Bread
By Rebecca

2 ¾ cup of hot water
1/3 cup oil
1/3 cup honey
1 Tablespoon salt
½ Tablespoon vinegar
2 cup whole wheat flour

Combine ingredients and mix for one minute.

1 ½ Tablespoons dry yeast

Mix for one minute.

1/8 cup gluten flour w/ vitamin C
Mix for one minute.

Gradually add 4 or more cups of whole wheat flour.
Knead for 10 minutes.
Let rise until doubled, in oiled bowl.
Punch down and form into 2 loaves. Loosely cover with plastic.
Rise for 30 or more minutes.
Bake at 350ยบ for 35 minutes (or less).

From Rebecca:
"When I make it I often do about half of the flour white. Also I only add gluten flour not the vitamin C. I have been told the gluten is added because it helps hold the bread together."

** I learned a trick to help bread raise faster. Our house does not get hot, especially in the winter and with the AC in the summer, and we don't have one place where I can put the bread to make it raise. So, I learned a trick that works for me. Turn your oven on to bake and set it at the lowest setting. That's "warm" for my oven. Let the oven heat up to that point and then turn it off. I put my metal mixing bowl in there with a damp dish towel over it and let it raise that way. Then I do the same when it's time to let the bread raise in the bread pans, except take the towel off before the bread gets to the top of the pan or else the towel will stick to the dough. It raises much faster using this method. I do the same when I make rolls, too.

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